
Oil Price Prognosis – Global Politics and Economics

Predicting the oil prices is a hundred million dollar question; in literal sense, it’s a game of billions of dollars. This is one of the most difficult tasks, given that there’re too many variables and moving parts on the economic, and more so, on the political fronts. Market punters are not willing to take a view for longer tenors and quote forward rates for larger volumes beyond 2/3 months. The recent phenomenon is surely more political than otherwise.

Pakistan's Power Sector Crisis

Pakistan Power Sector Agenda: Issues and Solutions of T&D Sub-Sector

Pakistan has been faced with power crises and its multiplier effect on the economy for decades. This issue has been reviewed extensively and many options have been debated by experts at private and governmental level. I would like to add my views to this important debate which surely requires quick action. In order to have a coherent and meaningful debate on this subject, it’s critical to divide this topic into two distinct parts – transmission and distribution (T&D or Discos), and generation.